THE AWAY TEAM ( Steam Key / Region Free ) GLOBAL ROW Видеочат рулетка онлайн
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THE AWAY TEAM ( Steam Key / Region Free ) GLOBAL ROW

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You are the AI in charge of Earth´s final interstellar spaceship, tasked with delivering your human crew to a suitable new home among the stars. The fate of previous ships is unknown--with a set of galactic maps to guide you, it´s your job to decide which planets to visit, which crew to send down to the surface, and which choices they should make along the way. You are humanity´s last hope.
Your choice matters!
Each of ten possible crew members has a distinct set of attributes, traits and flaws that will impact your chances, so choose wisely! With over 30 planets and stations to visit, over 700 choices to make, and near-infinite randomized sector maps to visit, there are countless paths to take across the galaxy.
A novel´s worth of adventure!
Over 85,000 words of text across multiple playthroughs provide a rich storyline full of action, suspense, drama and horror. Can you find your way down all four paths to victory?
Lua-based missions and json-based data files make writing and scripting your own characters and missions simple. Write yourself into the game, or include your friends and see who survives.
Eat your crew
Food and fuel are hard to come by in deep space. Choose wisely but quickly in charting your course--when supplies run out, tough decisions will be in store, and cannibalism might be the only option...

Jeter 79
Star Class: G
Object Type: Planet
Object Mass: Terran
Surface Temp: -10 Celsius
Atmosphere: ~17% Oxygen
Gravity: 8.34 m/s2
Habitability: 62.77%
There are signs of life on this otherwise apparently barren planet, although it´s not quite clear what form it takes. The atmosphere is not entirely hospitable to humans, nor indeed any Earth animal you know of, but the sensors indicate that something is definitely down there. Regardless, it´s also clear enough that humans--or something like them--were here in the past. You wouldn´t know it from the lack of anything in orbit around the planet, but sandwiched between several tall mountain ranges on the surface is the ruin of what might once have been a small city.
"There´s some sort of energy signature down there," you tell the crew as the shuttle closes in on the surface. "It´s not entirely clear what it is, but it´s well worth checking out, even if this place doesn´t exactly look like home."
The signal is not steady, whatever it is; it pulses, and the readings from the shuttle sensors rise and fall as it maneuvers between mountaintops and crumbling old buildings. When the shuttle breaks into a clearing at the center of the city, however, the signal becomes more steady. It´s clearly coming from below the ground, directly underneath a spindly tower or statue of some sort that straddles the entire clearing.


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Цена: 0.95 $.

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